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Adding Star Rating Schema Markup in Blogger

By adding this Star Rating Schema Markup not only you will increase your blog traffic from Google but also from other search engines also.
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Adding Star Rating Schema Markup in Blogger

Hello bloggers, how are you I hope you are doing great. So today we are going to talk about Adding Star Rating Schema Markup on Blogger posts.

By adding this ✨ Star Rating Schema Markup not only you will increase your blog traffic from Google but also from other search engines 🔍 also.

It is a SEO method and trick to show ⭐ Star Rating of your blog to the viewers of your blog and the articles will be visible to your readers, and they will gain interest in your blog to open it and read it.

Actually if you find about adding Rating Schema Markup in Google you will find many articles but many of the articles is outdated and with no updation. And not valid in Structured Data Testing Tool and Rich Result Test. But there are many articles like the same of mine where you will find the same code and how to implement it.

So read the full article to know about it. If you really want to add Star Rating Schema Markup in your posts or articles.

Benefits of Adding Star Rating Schema Markup to your Articles

Star ⭐ Rating of Google Rich Snippet does an impact on the bloggers articles or blog posts in best performance in Search Results. The method will not have direct effects or immediately effect, but  you will see the results in future by adding this Star Rating Schema Markup.

One benefits of have this markup is it can increase the blog organic traffic for Search Engines, and increase the SEO score. There are many benefits also you will see when you will add this markup on your blog.

So, below are the benefits of adding Star rating schema markup in your blog :

  • Increasing the SEO score of your blog.
  • Attract many organic visitors to visit and click on your site by showing rich result.
  • Increase in views and organic visitors from many search engines.
  • Increase the blog ranking of your articles on Google search results.
  • Increase in Google ads revenue and from many other ads networks.

Adding the Star Rating Schema Markup in your blogger post or articles.

Step 1 :- Open account and then login in your account.
Step 2 :- Then click on theme menu and then click on edit html.
Step 3 :- After that find the </head> tag and paste the below code above it.
<script type='application/ld+json'>
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "CreativeWorkSeries",
    "url": "<data:blog.url/>",
    "name": "<data:blog.pageTitle/>",
    "alternateName": "<data:blog.pageTitle/>",
    "description": "<data:blog.metaDescription/>",
    "inLanguage": "id",
    "aggregateRating": {
    	"@type": "AggregateRating",
    	"ratingValue": "5",
    	"bestRating": "5",
    	"worstRating": "0",
   	"ratingCount": "2546",
    	"reviewCount": "2546"
    "author": {"@type": "Person", "name": "Tech Aadi"},
    "publisher": {"@type": "Organization", "name": "<data:blog.title/>"}
Step 4 :- After pasting the code don't forget to save the theme.

Edit Or Change the mark part in the codes as per your requirements

Now after adding the codes you can change the values that are marked with colours in the above code.

  • "ratingValue" It will display the ⭐ Star rating whatever you will set score.
  • "bestRating" To set your best rating, for example you can show a rating of 10 or 5.
  • "worstRating" It will set the rating of low rating display for your visitors.
  • "ratingCount" It will show the numbers of rating in your posts.
  • "reviewCount" It will show the number of views in your posts.
  • "name" You can change this as per the blog author name.

Note :- You can also add the above code in the blog post. After completing the writing of your post. Add the above code in the html mode of post and just in the end of your post. But you have to do it every time manually.

Star Rating Schema Markup Important Note for Indexing In Google

After doing the above method, you need to know this because after completing all steps the start rating will not appear immediately in your blog posts. You have to wait untile the Google crawlers not crawl your site again. It may take upto one week or one month, depending how fast Google crawlers crawl your site. Also if you want to speed up this process you can use the inspection tool for re-indexing of your posts or articles in Google Search Console.


So my dear readers, I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and successfully inserting Star Rating Schema Markup in your blog posts and articles. So you have learnt about Adding Star Rating Schema Markup in Blogger. I hope you like the post. If you really like the post please give below the rating of our post and if you have any query you can comment below. Thanks and do visit our blog again.

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  1. great!
    1. Thanks... 😀
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